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- ============================================================================
- A Turret Gunner Simulation
- Online Instruction Guide / SHAREWARE
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- === =====
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- STARDATE 1422.332 : ORDERS
- Effective immediately, you are assigned to the System Defense Craft SD-2707
- in Sector M as Turret Gunner 1st class. Proceed to Omicron station,
- quadrant M01.01 where you will report to Captain Masters.
- Dirian activity in Sector M is high and although peace talks are about to
- begin on Zhinda III, loss of this sector would be a major blow to the war
- effort.
- Admiral Horn
- End Transmission
- === ====
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- BACKLASH is a 3D science fiction action game for DOS. The player must
- defend the mothership from over a series of missions against an increasing
- onslaught of enemy spacecraft, mine fields, asteroids and drones. The
- rewards from successful missions can be used to upgrade the defense systems
- and purchase more powerful weapons.
- Requirements
- ------------
- o IBM/PC compatible computer with 386 or later processor
- o 2 megabytes of RAM with 500k available conventional memory and
- 750k available extended or expanded memory
- o Fixed disk drive with approximately 6 megabytes available
- o VGA compatible graphics adapter
- o MS-DOS 5.0 or above
- Recommended
- -----------
- o 486 or later processor
- o Microsoft compatible mouse
- o Analog joystick
- o Creative Labs Sound Blaster compatible sound card
- The shareware release contains the first campaign of BACKLASH and a subset
- of the features of the complete game. See ORDERING INFORMATION for details
- on how to get the full release of the game.
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- The game begins at the docking bay terminal interface. Start a new
- game in the OPERATION BACKLASH campaign by selecting confirm. Select
- the OPTIONS screen and configure the controls for the game. Calibrate the
- joystick if it is to be used. Select DIFFICULTY and choose either ROOKIE
- ( easy ) or REBEL ( medium ) level.
- Select MISSION and review the instructions for the sortie. Experiment with
- the other options in the terminal interface. Click LAUNCH and CONFIRM to
- enter the mission.
- Once the mothership has completed the launch sequence, press the H key to
- view the control help screen. Press ESCAPE to return to the game.
- The first mission is a training mission. Use the opportunity to become
- familiar with the weapons, radar and interface components. To move on to
- to the real action, press ALT-F8 to abort the mission.
- ===== =========
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- TERMINAL INTERFACE SUMMARY : Options available between missions.
- Mission Menu
- ------- ----
- Orders Review information regarding the next mission
- Details Review turret configuration and mission objectives
- Maps Review the mothership flightpath for the mission
- Summary Review the results of the previous mission
- Equipment Menu
- --------- ----
- Next Select the next available equipment upgrade
- Previous Select the previous available equipment upgrade
- Purchase Acquire the current upgrade
- Single Reload Restock one missile to the current missile rack
- Full Reload Completely reload the current missile rack
- Launch Menu
- ------ ----
- Confirm Enter the next mission
- System Menu
- ------ ----
- Load Load a previously saved game
- Save Save the current game
- New Start a new game in a selected campaign
- Options Configure sound, music, detail, controls
- Difficulty Set the difficulty level of the current game
- Help Terminal interface help.
- About Display information regarding the game version
- Exit Exit the game
- GAME CONTROL SUMMARY : Controls available during a mission.
- Keyboard Controls Control Functions
- -------- -------- ------- ---------
- ARROWS Orientation F1, TAB Switch Target
- SPACEBAR Fire Guns F2, S Increase Shield Power
- ENTER Launch Missile F3, E Increase Weapon Energy
- F4, W Switch Weapon
- Mouse Controls F5, T Select Tactical Display
- ----- -------- F6, N Select Navigation Display
- LEFT BUTTON Fire Guns F7, O Select Objectives Display
- RIGHT BUTTON Launch Missile F8, A Abort Mission *
- CENTER BUTTON Switch Target F9, D Increase Detail Level
- F10, C Toggle Crosshair
- Joystick Controls
- -------- -------- System Functions
- BUTTON 0 Fire Guns ------ ---------
- BUTTON 1 Launch Missile H Display Control Help
- BUTTON 2 Switch Target P Pause Game
- BUTTON 3 Switch Weapon ESCAPE End the Game
- System Options
- ------ -------
- ALT-M Toggle Music ALT-B Toggle Background Rendering
- ALT-S Toggle Sound Effects ALT-D Toggle Debris Rendering
- ALT-R Restart Mission ALT-X End the Game
- * Use ALT-F8 to confirm the abort of the mission. Not all missions can be
- aborted.
- === ==
- === ==
- START A NEW GAME : Click SYSTEM, NEW. Select a campaign. Click CONFIRM.
- REVIEW MISSION : Click MISSION, ORDERS for a description of the mission.
- Click MISSION, DETAILS for specific information on the objectives.
- Click MISSION, MAPS to review the flight path. Click MISSION, SUMMARY
- for a review of the results of the previous mission.
- FLY A MISSION : Click LAUNCH, CONFIRM to enter the next mission. It is a
- good idea to save your game before launching.
- SAVE A GAME : Click SYSTEM, SAVE. Select a slot ( click EMPTY ). Type a
- description for the save game and press ENTER.
- LOAD A GAME : Click SYSTEM, LOAD. Select the game to load by clicking the
- description.
- BUY UPGRADES : Click EQUIPMENT. Use NEXT and PREVIOUS to cycle through
- the list of upgrades. Click PURCHASE to buy the upgrade.
- missile rack to be reloaded. Click SINGLE to buy one missile at a time or
- FULL to reload the rack to capacity.
- CHANGE DIFFICULTY : Click SYSTEM, DIFFICULTY. Select a diffulty level from
- the menu. New players should start with REBEL ( the easiest ). Use
- the other levels to increase the challenge.
- CONFIGURE : Options can be toggled in the SYSTEM, OPTIONS screen. To set
- up a sound card, use the configuration program ( SETUP.EXE or
- ======= ====
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- o Concentrate on enemy ships moving at the mothership. Avoid chasing ships
- that have broken off and are difficult to hit. Wait for a good shot and
- fire short bursts that can destroy evading ships with multiple hits.
- o Use the radar to find targets that are out of view by moving the turret
- until the enemy craft is centered on the gray marker.
- o Use the threat indicator ( green radar blip ) to find enemy crafts that
- are firing at the mothership. Target the firing ship. Ships that are
- on attack runs are usually good targets for the turret.
- o Use the turret orientation indicator to track the orientation of the turret
- with respect to the mothership. Try to keep the turret near center in
- order to have the best view of attacking enemy ships.
- o Missiles can be shot down with cannon fire. Use your cannons to defend
- against bomber attacks.
- o Buy system upgrades as soon as enough credits are available.
- ======== ===========
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- Get the rest of the action and order the full release of BACKLASH today
- for only $30.00.
- The full release of BACKLASH contains :
- o Operation Iron Horse and Operation Gambit. Go on the offensive
- against the Dirians in 30 all-new missions in Sector G.
- o All three difficulty levels for each of the operations.
- o New enemy ships including the devastating Dirian Heavy Figher
- and Assault Scout.
- o All twenty equipment upgrades, including the Cluster Missile.
- You'll need them!
- o More great sound, music, animations and graphics.
- o Printed manual.
- o Hints and playing techniques from the developers and testers.
- o Technical support and expanded access to the SANCSOFT BBS.
- Use the file ORDER.FRM to place your order today.
- Order by phone : 10:00am to 10:00pm Eastern Standard Time
- In the US call 1-800-699-6395
- International orders call 1-803-699-6395
- Order by fax : 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365.25 days a year
- US and International Orders : 1-803-699-5465
- Order by mail :
- Sanctuary Softare Studio
- attn: ORDERS
- P.O. BOX 2178
- Stow, Ohio 44224
- Order by e-mail :
- CompuServe mail 72734,3357
- Internet mail 72734,3357@compuserve.com
- Send $30.00 US plus $5.00 shipping and handling. Ohio residents must
- add 5.75% state sales tax. Pay by Visa, MasterCard, check or money order.
- International shipping and handling $10.00.
- Register the shareware version by sending in the order form and receive
- technical support via the SANCSOFT BBS and to be placed on our mailing list.
- ======== =========
- ======== =========
- Get our latest releases from Software Creations BBS "Home of the Authors".
- Check out the )|( Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc. home board.
- Software Creations WEB BBS Access: http://www.swcbbs.com
- Internet Access: Telnet BBS.SWCBBS.COM
- 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Public Access (508) 368-7036
- 2400/9600/14.4/28.8 USR V.Everthing Public Access (508) 368-6604
- 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Public Access (508) 368-7139
- 9600/14.4/16.8/28.8 USR V.Everthing Public Access (508) 368-3424
- Software Creations is the world's leading BBS system for software
- distribution, voted the #1 BBS two years in a row and 1995 winner of the
- John C. Dvorak Award for outstanding BBS and Web Site. Access methods
- include telnet via the Internet, Concentric Data Network and direct dial.
- Try out the new WEB BBS, the first BBS on the World Wide Web!
- ======== ===========
- ======== ===========
- The shareware version of BACKLASH - A Turret Gunner Simulation is available
- through retail channels through Beaucomm Interactive Shareware Distribution
- Division.
- The LCR release of BACKLASH is available on CD-ROM or floppy through retail
- channels through Beaucomm Interactive.
- Check your local retail outlet or contact Beaucomm Interactive at:
- POB 4169
- 509-662-3281
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- Refer to the read.me file for a list of outstanding problems with the current
- release of the software.
- Technical support for the shareware version of BACKLASH is available through
- electronic mail. Please do NOT call the order number for support as the
- fullfillment office is unable to provide assistance.
- Please provide a return e-mail address on all electronic submissions. We
- welcome feature requests and recommendations.
- Electronic inquiries should be directed to:
- )|( Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc. BBS (216)677-0229 ( 2400+BPS N81 )
- or
- E-Mail : CompuServe 72734,3357 ( Internet 72734,3357@compuserve.com )
- The BBS is the recommended method for getting technical support. The
- solutions to problems encountered by other users are posted. Patches and
- the latest release are available first on the BBS.
- Please understand that we are limited in the support that we can supply to
- unregistered users.
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- What you have is a shareware version of Sanctuary Software Studio's
- BACKLASH - A Turret Gunner Simulation. You are encouraged to freely
- distribute to one and all. Everything contained herein is copyrighted to
- and the property of Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc. Our lawyer is now happy.
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- BACKLASH is the product of )|( Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc.
- Game Design ........ Sanctuary Software Studio
- Software ........ Michael Terry
- Graphics and Animation ........ Tony Fienman
- Mission Design ........ Brian Simonton
- Sound and Music ........ Brian Simonton
- Product Management ........ Stacey Simonton
- BACKLASH would not have been possible without: Ken Kuhlmann, Robert Terry,
- Jim Haffner, Amy Masters, Devin Dellagnese, Randall Jarrell, Kevin Beauchamp.
- BACKLASH is a trademark of Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc. Other trademarks
- are the property of their respective holders.